Click on this icon to answer the questions.
The planning meeting takes approximately 60 minutes.
You can arrange the questions from the guideline in any order you like – you can leave individual ones out or add your own too.
It’s best to just begin with the things that appeal to you the most.
Over the course of the conversation, each of you should take turns answering the questions out loud and writing your answers down in bullet-point form.
Dance mediators and teachers often meet for the first time at the initial planning meeting. This guideline gives suggestions for how to conduct the conversation and summarises the most significant topics – it’s helpful to keep in mind that good collaboration here ultimately plays a major role in the success of the project. In this regard, getting to know one another and sharing your expectations for the project are just as important as working out organisational aspects. Usually, dance mediators assume responsibility for moderating this conversation.
The subject matter discussed at the planning meeting serves later as the basis for the reflection meeting in the middle and the final meeting at the end of the project.
What previous experience do you have with dance?
Take a look at the dance pictures in the book of choreographers. Choose three pictures that appeal to you the most and share reasons why they do.
What are you most excited about right now, what are you especially interested in? Is there space for those things in your professional life?
Why do you want to carry out this dance project?
What hopes and reservations do you have regarding the project?
Commit to a fixed, detailed schedule for the dance lessons.
Clarify which room (or rooms) the lessons are to take place in.
Is there a stereo of some kind there? What about Internet? Is it clean? What is the floor like? Is the room large enough?
Take a look at the Calypso focus areas and discuss your individual interests.
Which topics are being treated in the students’ coursework at the moment?
Which of the topics could be addressed and approached using dance?
Which rules would you like to agree on regarding the concrete implementation of the lessons? This applies to recurrent rituals as well as to agreements such as whether to dance in trainers or barefoot, or in athletic wear or street clothes and the like.
Would you like to use the accessibility concepts as a jumping off point for starting the project? If so, decide together now when exactly you intend to watch what video together with the students.
Think together about which sorts of situations the teacher could support the dance lessons in through attentive observation and when he or she should potentially intervene to help.
As a dance mediator, how can you involve the teacher in efforts to find subject matter for the dance lessons and how can you make your mediation approach transparent?
Have you already fixed a date for the reflection meeting at the project’s halfway point?
What time window and ritualised conversations can you plan for in order to keep communication going during the process? (for example, little rituals like a brief conversation for five minutes at the conclusion of every lesson.)