getting to know one another


getting to know one another

“Well, some kids, they don’t do so great in school. And then they’re really good at dancing.”

Ezra, 10-years-old

getting to know one anotherEspecially in the beginning phase of a project, it’s important to take time to get to know one another. For dance mediators, accurately assessing the individual wishes and abilities of the students as well as understanding the group dynamic present in the class are crucial. We’ve developed two excellent items to help in this regard, a class scan and a game for finding topics together, because: Everything is Dance!

Check out the material:

Class Scan

The class scan supports dance mediators in closely observing a school class over the course of their first lessons and recording their impressions.

check out the survey

Everything is Dance

Any topic is danceable? This card set assists in finding subject matter for the dance project together and provides playful options for turning topics into dance. It is especially well suited for the getting-to-know-you phase, but it can also be played later on in the process as well.

check out the game